Hygienic also known as Hygiene.Hygiene health. While in modern medical sciences there is a set of standards of hygiene recommended for different situations, what is considered hygienic or not can vary between different cultures, genders and etarian groups. Some regular hygienic practices may be considered good habits by a society while the neglect of hygiene can be considered disgusting, disrespectful or even threatening.is a set of practices performed for the preservation of Health.
Steps to follow for Hygienic
- Brush your teeth every morning and evening. Regular tooth-brushing helps prevent gum disease, which has been linked to other illnesses elsewhere in the body like heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. It is especially important to brush teeth after eating sweets or acidic foods that cause tooth erosion.
- Choose a daily face cleanser. Remember that the skin on your face is more sensitive than on other parts of your body. You can either use your face cleanser in the shower or wash your face separately at the sink.
- Shower daily. This is the best way to get rid of any dirt, sweat, and/or germs that your body may have accumulated throughout the day, and prevents hygiene-related diseases.As a plus, showering daily helps you feel, look, and smell your best throughout the day.
- Wear deodorant. Antiperspirant helps control excessive sweat, while deodorant covers up unpleasant body odor caused by sweat. Consider using a natural, aluminum-free deodorant to reduce potential health risks associated with conventional deodorants.
- Wash your clothes after wearing them. In general, shirts should be washed after every use, while pants and shorts can be worn a few times before they require washing. Use your best judgment to determine how often to wash your clothes.
- Clip your fingernails and toenails regularly. Not only will this keep your hands and feet looking their best, it will prevent hangnails, breakage, and other potential damage to your nails.Use an orange stick to remove dirt from underneath the fingernails to prevent bacterial infections.
- Trim your hair every 4-8 weeks. Whether you're trying to grow your hair out or prefer to keep it short, trimming it will keep hair healthy, get rid of split ends, and give an overall cleaner, healthier appearance.
- Wash your hands with soap and water. This is one of the most important ways to avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others.Wash your hands after using the restroom; before, during, and after preparing food; before eating food; before and after caring for someone who is sick; after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing; and after handling animals and/or animal waste.
- Clean the surfaces in your home regularly. You should wipe the kitchen counter, floors, shower, and dining tables at least once a week using either soap and water or conventional household cleaning products. If you live with other people, consider coming up with a system of chores and alternate cleaning jobs every week.
- Cover your nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze. This is extremely important if you want to avoid spreading germs to those around you. Be sure to wash your hands with soap and water after you cough or sneeze.
- Don't share razors, towels, or makeup with other people. Sharing personal items like these with other people increases the likelihood of spreading Staph infections.
- Change your tampon regularly. Women who use tampons should change them at least once every 4-8 hours to reduce the likelihood of getting Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS), a potentially fatal bacterial infection from tampons.If you plan on sleeping more than eight hours, then wear an overnight pad instead of a tampon while you sleep.If you do share towels or clothing, be sure to wash them both before and after lending them to others.
- Keep up with doctor's visits. Seeing your doctor regularly can help catch illnesses and infections early, making it much easier to treat them. Visit your primary care physician, dentist, gynecologist, cardiologist, or any other physician you may be seeing (depending on your personal medical needs) on a regular basis. Visit your doctor when you are feeling sick or think you may have an infection, and be sure to keep up with routine check-ups.
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